Sunday 29 September 2024

Looking back to Summer time

These pictures have been patiently waiting for me for a while. They were downloaded on the empty page without any title, reminding me to come back. Weeks have passed and I can see the Summer shades differently with my Autumn mind. I knew some words would come when time goes by. Few lines between the pictures are the missing layers for this story.

I feel protected by the darker September evenings and appreciate now even more the lighter moments from the Summer. We had some challenges, but by focusing on important things and positives, knowing some people were thinking of us and supporting us, we could manage to face the situation and believe everything is going to be all right. Even in the middle of the storms of life, there are many other things worth to notice, memorize and remember. Things that give guidance, energy and joy. The wind of change can push us gently towards the safe harbor to recover and let us grow again and again.

Talking in the garden with my friend in Tammisaari, Finland and being gently supported during the shaky period. It was a right spot to be and being heard gave such a boost for the rest of the Summer.

 A warm nordic afternoon mood in urban landscape of Helsinki.

Me in action

We also had a small round in the centre of Hanko. The warm rocks by the water, a tasty lunch and admiring the views from the old water tower. Simple summer days without any special plans. 

Step by step, day by day was our motto then and it still is. Thinking this way, accepting that every process takes time and in the end we will be there where we need to be and then it's time to step in to the next page.

This year has brought so many new things and turns. The way we react and handle the situations in life are based on what we've learned from our personal experience during the years and how our families have learned to face challenges and communicate. 

I also got a big portion of Sun energy from hot South France. I still remember how I had trouble to sleep in the heat, but how lovely it was to be able to sit late outside and swim in a warm sea. I had plenty of time to read and simply do nothing. My daughter had fun with her friend floating on the waves and snorkeling. They were still like small kids, these young women. 

I feel sometimes I choose to learn some things with intuition and afterwards it seems like the new skills are preparing me to face the upcoming challenges.

Last spring I was taking part to a small meditation course and I took this new habit of meditating to my daily routines right away. I have been very much surprised and thankful by the effect to my focus, calmness and energy levels.

I rather seek peace and serenity every where I visit. Super crowded places are making me nervous and tired. My young travel companions in France only needed the sea, the sun, good food, a lot of relax time and short shopping moments to find some new bracelets to their colorful collection. Maybe Cannes was not a perfect place for me - too tight and touristic. We had a great location for our airbnb in the old part of town near the beach and it was more charming there. We felt a bit like locals.


The train connection along the coast line in South of France is connecting different locations and towns. You can easily visit also Italian Riviera. We spent a bit time in Antibes and I went to see Picasso Museum --very interesting!

Great views near Picasso museum in Antibes


Sky high dreams and plans


Curiosity leads to some more adventures. Without even noticing the script just continues and we will be surprised of the next chain of moments and new perspectives. Life being faster than we expect, forcing us to find the new balance every day.

I’m ready to let go of the summer and hope to find the brightest colors of Autumn. 

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Heartwarming stay in Stellies

Planning a journey is just like making the foundation for the new experience that is going to happen. The motivation behind the trip is directing our mind so that we're able to make an inviting frame for our step out of ordinary life. Visualizing a dream or a goal is almost half of the joy. For me a ideal trip is not full of big plans, maybe one or two ideas or booked activities and the rest of the time some space to make spontaneous decisions depending on the mood and the weather. It is so personal what we want to do on a visit or on a holiday. I can easily listen, read and admire the most exciting adventure stories, but personally enjoy more if I can see and feel how everyday life flows in different places. It is always interesting to get an insider tip for a nice walk in surroundings. 

Like this beautiful walk just around Stellenbosch in ZA. Just behind the sport grounds of Matties rugby stadium. Walking up to a hill and having a beautiful view to the nearby mountains and seeing the colors of the Nature. There are few routes you can walk, even to the top of Stellenbosch Mountain. I would love to walk up there some day. It is mentioned in the  walk reviews that it takes about 7 hours total to walk there and back. 

We saw quite many mountain bikers and joggers during our afternoon walk on the hills. Cute kids cycling with mini mountain bikes, guided by their teacher. 

The Autumn was coming during our visit. You could see the brown leaves in wine yards and how the harvest time was clearly over a few months ago. We were having a relaxing half day at the Lanzerac Spa with my daughter. Just sitting outside and watching the mountain view was just calming. I never really was a Spa type of person, but this time I really needed a good massage to feel like a refreshed person after a long, tiring Dutch winter season. We cycled early in the morning to Lanzerac estate to enjoy our time outdoors and indoors of this pretty spot. 

Our local friend was recommending this other farm estate for our next visit --> Babylonstoren farm retreat

This location has beautiful landscaped gardens and it's one of the oldest farms established in the Cape Winelands region in South Africa. 

I just happen to love gardens and I had to have a nice round in Hortus Botanicus of Stellenbosch as well. I took my daughter with me, she was resisting, but really liked it after all. It was great to see her getting more calm and relaxed just seeing the beautiful flowers, insects and plants. It was worth it!

Meaningful decisions, emerging in a moment, making you wonder. Just being glad about the fact you could surprise yourself just by letting things happen. 

Before trying something new it's better not automatically to think that you're not going to like it and not being able to enjoy. Often just by avoiding that limiting thought and jumping over the invisible fence, we are able to feel more free than ever. Most of the times we can try to rewrite the habitual scenes, overpaint something old and move to the next level - without a fear and feeling more energy. We can learn to let go of some old thoughts and realize that every day really is a fresh start and too much past and too much future while "experiencing TODAY", can have a very limiting effect on us. 

One more great sidestep after having an early breakfast at Ya-Ya Cafe was to visit the nearby Rupert Museum. There we admired the collection of modern South African art.

These paintings were originally made as a commission to decorate a railway station in Johannesburg. The artist (JH Pierneef) wanted to show different beautiful locations of South Africa in his paintings. Stunning landscapes and architecture was presented in this decorative panels.

I really liked the modern, last part of the Rupert museum. The combination of abstract, close-up Nature photography of Oscar Forel (1891-1982) and the installations of Durban-based artist Karla Nixon (born 1990) making a strong abstract atmosphere. The play with light, different materials and textures - magical world created!

delicate paper strip installations by Karla Nixon

Soft and soulful South-African warmth was circulating in the air and it was time to relax and meet some lovely people. We saw our son play two rugby games and it was obvious he enjoyed his busy life with clear goals and daily routines. Even one good friend of his moved here to chase his personal dreams. Great to have a good old friend sharing the experience. 

Small bites of everyday life in Stellenbosch, just what we needed this time. The amount of rest, flexible days with surprising small things, we felt happy that we were able to notice them. 

The best part of everything was just meeting all the people who were part of our son's life & helping him feel home in this different environment, far away from home. With all these meetings my heart is staying even more there, understanding better the way of life and their values there. The social roles and realities can be different, even unfair. Some children playing football just beside the motorway living in a township, others traveling and taking part almost professional looking school teams of all sort of sports. A lot of opposites but also unity, where sport seems to play a big role. I met many open, golden hearted people trying do their best for their own community. Even a school is like a small community, a village of is own, where being respectful and taking part on the activities seems like a joyful thing to do. As a reward you really feel like being part of something, building up something memorable for the rest of your life. 

A good day, a good life starts from the basics, for example having energy giving familiar rituals,

like a delicious breakfast early in the morning.

Pure soulful simplicity!