I will carry this peace in my heart always. The peace of the Nature in Finland. Where the calm can be very calm and the sounds of the forests, even the smallest are so clear. The air was fresh to breathe and the celebration of spring was happening under the direct Sun. They said, that I brought the Sun with me. I felt special and it felt special to be back in my hometown, even if I have been away for over 20 years already.
I drove by bike to the Centre of my old hometown, the same route as I did when I went to school in the mornings. This time I wanted to see the sunset by the river and take some photos. This was on the first of May, when people are celebrating "Vappu", the day of workers and students. There were still some groups of people drinking and having picnic by the river(more like a wet picnic with beer...). I kept my distance and chase the last, warm sparkles of the Sun.
Playing Indians in the woods by the natural stream. No other toys needed in this game. I did not have to force my children to explore the Nature, they went without asking and started to build their houses from the old wood they found everywhere. We were grilling some sausages and they just took their portion back to their camp. I felt like a good parent: we are living in a big City and they have not lost their contact to the Nature and they do have the courage to run in the bushes and use the material what they find.
Even the weather was really pampering us and the temperature was almost 20 degrees celsius, the last cold memories of winter were there. The kids wanted to go for a swim like in the Summer. We had to drive to the beach and show them the ice layer on the lake.
There was still some small islands of snow and the big lake Oulujärvi had still the ice cover. |
Memories of smells, textures, sounds and colours were everywhere. Going back and deep under my skin and the reasons I needed my distance and own space later. Visiting some older relatives and seeing that some things stay the same and the patina of time will do the work.
The Sun was rising, it was 4.30 in the morning and I had my last look on the horizon of Kainuu before having my flight back to Helsinki and later back to Amsterdam. My home is now here, but the biggest influence on my thinking, how I see my environment and what inspires me the most, is there...deep in the silence. I will carry it with me and it helps me to see the world from my individual perspective.