Friday, 31 January 2025

Lessons from January


It's often said that the winter is the season when we naturally turn inwards and give time for ourselves to observe our life and enjoy the coziness of the home environment. This sounds like a luxury period of time if we are lucky to be in balance. The dark Season can be lowering our energy, the lack of light making it more difficult to keep on doing the daily tasks or starting new initiatives. For me the start of the new year is like a shout of freedom. I'm eager to try to elevate my existence with tiny little things or habits that potentially make me happier, healthier and smarter this year. Sounds too good! The thruth is: as the January went on and on, like a never ending story it started to get on my nerves. 

I already had forgotten my book order from the last Autumn, the delivery was for some reason badly delayed. Suddenly I got the package this week and the theme of the book suits very well to January. I started to read the book: "Don't believe everything you think - why your thinking is the beginning and end of suffering". Actually I'm feeling quite good at the moment, maybe this is perfect time for me to read this book.

I like the idea of how the author (Joseph Nguyen) describes the difference of a thought and thinking. Thoughts being neutral observations, insights of intuitive promptings popping in our minds and "just happening" in moments. Thinking is more like a judgement or opinion we have about our thoughts. Thinking is taking a lot of energy, effort and willpower as it is something active that we are doing. We use so much of our energy on unnecessary processing when sometimes just letting go of some of our thoughts would be better. We can choose where we give some extra attention, where the thinking is welcome and neglect this mind game when paying attention is not relevant. This sort of selection needs some awareness and I try to increase this skill of noticing my own patterns by reading interesting books about human mind and philosophy.
Many people have been lately sharing their difficulties and struggles copying the grey winter time. The sun has been behind the wall of clouds for so many weeks and the weather in general did not invite to go outside. We can have a wintery mind dip, where the joy is hidden, playing hide and seek with us. It is easy to stuck on our own world, our critics and negatives. Overthinking can be our biggest enemy when just simple starting doing things little by little would give space for joyful moments. We make ourselves so much pressure and increase the low moods by harmful thinking and other bad habits.

In my experience having discipline to try and focus on something that helps you connect with yourself, makes you more relaxed and creative. This sort of joy and commitment will spread to other areas in life as well.

I was never very sporty in my youth and often more focused on the "fun" side of young adult life. But since I started a regular routine with one sport, my interest for healthy lifestyle started to grow over the years. Simply because I felt better and reaching small personal goals gave me more self confidence. I also learned new methods to handle my emotions and obstacles in life, because the fine tuning you need to be able to keep on doing when working with your body is in many ways similar we need to when working with our minds. The patience and taking days of rest when it's needed. 

I was taking part to a run event this month. My goal was to have a balanced 10 kilometer run, enjoy my own rhythm. It's sometimes fun and motivating to run among a group of people, being challenged and invited by the speed of others but still listening your own limits  and  how running simply feels that moment. 

I was happy with my run. I learned that for a balanced run I should not start too fast. I warmed up my feet massaging them with Franklin balls in the morning and had a short meditation, which helped me to focus just on my own run. I often visualize the route and different landmarks, cutting this way the whole route smaller. It helps me to keep on going. I think I'm a bit hooked in this hobby, in a good way!

In my opinion our body is also our mental guide and the action supports the clarity of mind. The whole chemistry of our human body is influenced by our emotions, by our physical actions, by our communication, nutrition, environmental factors and so on. Learning to recognize the aspects that regulate and have influence on our important functions is a constant field of new challenges. We definitely get older and the hormonal changes will challenge our lifestyle. We should try to stay open minded, be able to adjust our behavior when needed and stay focused on our daily journeys.

I'm proud that I've found new positive ways and hobbies which give so much joy.

It is very human to feel stuck sometimes. With our different personalities, our unique combination of genes, our experiences and the social contexts we live in. 

...It's good to recognize and be aware our own typical patterns of processing emotions...

  but not hold on to those emotions too tight and let them take our energies
We sometimes stay standing in front of the invisible stop sign,
watching other people and the life passing by, 
 we should rather let that stop sign fall,
and love the moments and chances we are receiving from life 
Little gifts waiting to be taken

The following pictures are from France. We spent our new year there by the Atlantic Ocean in Bretagne. Mostly grey days there also, but wonderful fresh air and fresh food. I was especially impressed of the Fish Market hall with so many options and directly from the Fishermen.
We will be visiting in this place more in the future, because our son moved in this beautiful town.



And back to Amsterdam. This dog did not listen to the owner and knew it's important to appreciate the precious Winter Sun. I was doing the same light ritual standing by the water in Vondelpark with this wise dog.

The January is turning to February, 
the longer days are winning some more space, wind opening the grey curtains,

yellow and green.


This morning, on the last day of January, I was struggling waking up and almost skipped my yoga lesson. Then I thought I better go anyway, because I will feel better after going there. It was a wonderful slow flow lesson with a theme "Balance". I was focusing on my own practice, but at the same time enjoying the other people doing their thing around me. At the end I felt a bit light headed, but also energized. One person had brought a yoga book with them, written by a mentor of my yoga teacher. I was offered to borrow the book and read it if I wanted. It felt like a surprising gift at that moment. I took the book and I'm curious to read it. Before leaving the room we could choose an inspiration card from the pile of upside down turned cards set on the table. 

I picked one saying: You deserve to receive and give. 
It also said that there should be a balance between being able to receive and give. 

It made me realize that it is easier for me to give than receive. I even hesitated taking that offered book, cos I thought maybe someone else wants to read it first.

Almost every time my yoga lessons are giving me so much insight: body and mind getting more balanced. Almost like surfing on the same wave length with the group and with the teacher. Picking up some answers to my own silent questions.