Friday, 2 September 2016

Fresh Friday

Looking again at these pictures from yesterday, it feels I am there again. In the sun, in the shadows, in a garden full of details and fresh life. Even the Summer is slowly turning in to the direction of the new season...Autumn. The turning point for the nature and for me too. It is like a new year for me starts from this time of the year, the Summer being the last part of the book and the Autumn starting the new chapter. The Nature will be getting rid off the covers, the leaves will be falling, the naked structures of the trees are soon greeting us, showing us the veins of life. And like this, I am also ready to take what ever comes and what ever I have to learn this time, in the pages of a new story.

A Lotus Flower: The meaning of Lotus Flower

I went to my favourite spot again, to the Botanical Gardens of 
Amsterdam. When I want to have peace and when I want to collect some strength, I will go there. The mini forest of Amsterdam, being much more than a regular park. You learn so much by watching the plants and being surrounded from trees and flowers from all over the world. It is like travelling to a foreign country, without any expenses :-). And it is such an international place, because some tourists find their way there too. It is a peaceful place for everybody and every visitor seems to respect that. 

A warm thought is filling my mind in this Friday. The colours will be changing during the next two months. In the garden, I went in the middle of the little Bambu forest...this fallen leave was stucked between the thin trunks of trees. And the light was reaching to this dark spot, filtered through this orange leave. I was pleased seeing it and the feeling of trust was comforting me and my feet were stable, strong on the ground. The magic of life, shining out from everyone of us and in the details of the Nature. The peace coming from us, no expectations, no right answers. The Art of listening...there is no one truth - there are many and without that there would be no balance or new ideas.