Monday, 20 August 2018

Before and after

It is good to hang on to the good memories. Bad moments and periods come and go, but the positivity and kindness in life is worth to protect. It doesn't mean being kind in the cost of honesty or cheating our heart or being afraid to change. Real kindness is based on the empathy, but appreciates the spine of truth. I see it as a guide to help ourselves and others to find the real needs and ambitions of our soul. Being able to listen is one of the most important ways of being kind, but the most challenging is to compose the truthful worlds with kindness.

Sometimes we have to see the roots of our story to be able to see further again...and notice what was before and what came after. Many doors on our way opened, stayed open or closed, periods of growth, silence, noice, battles and peace. If we are still able to laugh and smile, we are on the right path. 

I am back to Netherlands and a lot seems to be happened during those 3 weeks away. The water in the nearby canal has changed the color from dark blue to poison looking green. The hot summer days brought some other sort of life to the water. I do not know if it's blue-green alga, but the swimming in the canal is over in this season. It is funny how effective the visible change is and the most of the dangers and threats in life are often invisible at first (without any color or visible form). A sudden illness, accident or slowly developing change...sometimes it is impossible to notice any signs.


During the last two days in Finland I was visiting good friends of mine. We stayed at their summer cottage in the South coast. On one evening they were burning some pine cones and other natural "garbage" from the yard and I flew back to my memories just before I moved away from Finland to Germany. We had just sold our home in Helsinki and I was burning some old items and unnecessary papers at their cottage back then. Having this deja vu brought me back to one of these before moments. Looking at this fire as a photo now gives me some funny is a good memory. I feel like passing to the other side of another meaningful door after the summer.

Before and after

serious in this catch ;), but..

I will keep on smiling

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Laituri rocks - on the pier and more

For a one week, our days has been starting at the pier and ending at the pier. The heat wave has been hanging in Finland for many weeks and the best way to cool down is to swim in the lake and let the summer breeze and the rays of sun to dry the skin. We are back to our favorite pear in Kainuu. Early morning breakfast by the water and late evening dip after Sauna are our daily highlights. The Simple things are the best.

Sunset at Nuasjärvi

The bigger the children get, the more challenging and more important it is to show the beauty of lazy, creative summer days surrounded with basic natural elements. We did not choose the 0% tolerance with electronical devices, but we chose a location without too much modern luxury. The water seems to be the most interesting place for play, at any age. The presence of Nature is making us more calm and more attentive for  the details. The dragon flies, the rabbits, the bees, the fishes, the butterflies and even the annoying mosquitos are here with us, no matter what. We also have had our fun at the local activities like adventerous climbing park Seikkailupuisto and down hill car racing, still some sup boarding in our plans. 


Sunset and GT at the pier.

Therapy for the tired feet.


I want to see something traditional and learn from the past of Kainuu during our yearly summer visits. I can recognize my earlier pre puberty self when the kids are demonstrating against visiting another road church or museum. But even in the presence of that noisy or quiet protest, I am happy to give a flash of history for them. I know they will remember that and maybe get more interested in their Finnish roots later on. I remember many the places I visited as a kid, even just the atmosphere or the smell of the old wood can be a lifetime memory with importance. 

We drove today to Paltaniemi, which is a little village belonging to  the town of Kajaani by the Oulujärvi lake. It is a nice location with a few interesting spots to visit. We went to see the beautiful, old wooden church called Paltaniemen kuvakirkko (Paltaniemi church of paintings). The church was build in 1726 and the characteristic  ceiling & wall paintings were made by Emanuel Granberg during the years 1778-1781. I really like the interior and the nice light toned peaceful feeling in this church.

Paltaniemi is a green village with charming old houses, rural landscapes and a cute museum road near the lake. The local boat harbor and the swimming beach is very nice with small children. It seems like you can walk a huge distance from the beach before you really can start to swim. Lake Oulujärvi is the fifth biggest lake in Finland and called as "the Sea of Kainuu" by local people. 

One of the nicest thing in visiting Finland is that the water is never far away. The only thing I miss sometimes is a nice cafe or a good restaurant near the summer nature. In Paltaniemi you can visit the home of poet Eino Leino (1878-1926)and have a coffee in this historical house. In the summer time there is also a summer theatre and you can listen some poetry in the glow of summer evenings. Also some local artists have their exhibitions in the barn of this lovely garden of Eino Leino talo

an Art exhibition of a local painter Heli Jauhiainen

And as the sun goes down 
it's time to do the last dance on the pier

As I'm walking the path in the woods
in one of these Summer nights
walking in my thoughts
and my chest is pumped with joy
and I am singing...just singing 

(my free translation from Eino Leino poem:))