It was snowing today a little bit. It looked like wet, white umbrellas were falling on the green grass and disappearing on the same second they touched the ground. It is Valentine's day, but love and friendship are tested in everyday life. It is a challenge and I mean it in a good way.
I saw these locks in Vondelpark last week. The symbol of commitment and ever lasting love. Staying together in good times and more difficult times. I think the lock is not supposed to be closing the doors or stopping the wave of change to bring some fresh air to the relationship. The act of commitment should be based on freedom and with the support of other person your wings are getting even stronger. You are allowed to grow as a person and you have to get to know yourself better if you want to keep on developing. The mirror effect is sometimes painful, it is painful to see your own weaknesses and admit you can't run away from your pain. A true friendship and love is the spotlight where you can glow and show the real you. But the brightness of the light depends on the situation and the needs you have as a person or as a couple. The fine tune comes during the years and then you start to know when the light is supposed to be more gentle and when the brightest light is needed, even if it can be too much sometimes.

Two different minds, two different ways. What is behind the doors? Are we ready to find the key and let someone inside our world and also get to know ourselves better. The key is made of trust and respect. The individuality of our friends and the people we love. A unique combination of two personal histories, making the story together. It is not just a one big story, it is a story made of huge amount of small stories and shared moments. The logic is sometimes difficult to find, too many things between the lines.

Finding your way...
Being able to be alone and having own interests...being curious and finding solutions.

Growing every year and having a fresh start every now and then..
Opening locks, using the keys, enjoying the life of your own and sharing the story with others. A day of friendship and love, not just today but every day.