Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Black ink - reflections on the water

If the trees could write, what would be the story? 

I was walking by the water and went to the edge of the canal. I saw something that reminded me of ink, like a leakage of black fluid or something oily on the surface of the water. This reflection came from the leafless, curvy trees beside the canal. This spot is normally so covered with green bushes and trees, that I would maybe leave this place alone in the summertime. Now it is easy to reach some normally hidden corners of the park and get a new perspective, more open and dramatic. This view was so strong & still, but the movement of the water created the illusion of an extra dimension. It almost looked like a gate to another reality...like a poem, painting or a story made by the trees. 

I really like the patterns of these pictures. These would look good also printed on a fabric. The Nature can always surprise and give some ideas and thoughts that you would not get otherwise. We should let the nature give the influence and the healthy effect on our lives. And on the other side: we have to take care of the Nature.

Maybe and hopefully the papers and agreements made in the Paris conference on climate change 2015 are going to lead some worldwide results as soon as possible. Also the individual level is important: our own micro environment including the people around us. What kind of effect or attitude we have. Is there hope and some positive energy to keep on going and really change something to reach the goal and stop the climate change. 

A new houseboat transported at Sloterkade.

After my walk I saw this new home transported by the Sloterkade. I saw steps going under the water level inside the house. Sleeping under the waterline maybe and enjoying the reflections next day from your living room window. Just to show you one way of living in a city. I don't know if I would like it as a permanent home. The water is unfortunately not very clean in the canals.

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To lighten the day, a picture with the power of growth and some visual vitamin for the mind!!