Monday, 21 December 2015

Ice & Fire + some seasonal thoughts

This candle collage was burning yesterday on our living room table when I started to write this post. The movement of the flames, the smell of the rosemary candle and the warmth of the colours: like a fireplace on a plate. We had a nice weekend:

We went skating on saturday with our friends at the museum square. It was a nostalgic feeling when trying to skate again after a long time. Like trying to learn to walk again. Finding the balance on the ice, which was extremely slippery and wet in this warm weather.  

Drinking a "glühwein" (hot spiced wine) and eating a bread with currysausage. Watching the crowded arena of skaters under the sparkling lights. This could be any year, maybe even 50 years before. The joy of the movement and a smile on a face, everyone at the same moment and sharing the experience.

A magical moment under the lights. Protected from the black and too much reality. Seeing all the children skating, falling and continuing the fun until it has to stop. Too late, time to go home.

Still wanting to believe in Santa Claus. Only four days until the christmas eve. Traditions: baking spiced cookies, decorating the christmas tree, cleaning the house a bit, listening the favourite songs and some memories from the childhood popping in my mind again.

Did we buy a christmas tree or not?? We did, on sunday from the local flower shop, transported home with the longboard. The creative idea of my son. All this for the children and also for the child who still lives inside me and hopefully in every adult person. Hoping the best for us and for the others!

Dreaming of the tree!

The dream came true!
I decorated the tree with my children. We used almost all the old deco's we had. But the good thing still doesn't look too crowded. I don't like it when there is too much glitter...then you don't see the tree anymore. Maybe not so eco to buy a tree, but this  tradition is too strong and we love the smell of the tree in our house. 

A wooden star made by my son.

The final countdown for the peaceful christmas, time to think and relax. I will take part in "the intuitive writing challenge" during the holiday. There will be some tasks and questions I have to try to answer. Every day I have to think a little bit my own life and  what happened during the year and what are my dreams. Looking forward to it!