Saturday, 17 October 2015

Back home

First time burning some candles this autumn and trying to find my woollen socks. The temperature outside is not really cold, but the moist weather type makes me feel chilly all the time. More hot drinks, more warm lights, more blankets, more books to read and more indoors. Still, the contrast of hot and cold makes the wintertime so inviting. After a walk outside, fighting against the wind and then arriving home! 

Silent (sometimes noisy) and safe spot...own space to live, love and think freely. Place where I'm welcome and where I want/can stay. We were visiting friends this evening and it was possible to stay over a night there. I was surprised that my son wanted to go home to sleep, but also happy that he is a HOME BOY. We are curious and also part of the life around us, but home is the base. I wish everybody had a home, but that is unfortunately not the case. Many reasons and many tragedies, many people without a safe home. Cycling in the darkness and arriving to our street...I felt lucky! Keys in my pocket, opening the door and turning on the lights.

I draw this picture above almost 20 years ago. I found it last summer from a cartoon box and hang it on the wall. I don't know what was the thought behind this drawing, but it reminds me in a way that it is important to not only stay still and just be a mask. The person needs to be seen and learn to communicate with others. Life has to be your own honest way.

Good night! Let's see what tomorrow brings. Something green in the end. I'm waiting for my magnolia to blossom, but I think it takes a little bit time. Has to be patient. I think magnolia suites better for the spring time, but I'm sure these flowers will look very elegant.