I did not sleep well last night, but felt fit enough to go for a jog in Vondelpark. I think the body is sending messages when you really need to do some work out. I just got ready right after waking up, brought the kids to school with my sporty outfit and had a great round at the park. I never regret going jogging! That is why I always go if I feel I should.
I ran about 7 kilometres and found a very good rhythm of my own. Some jogs are better, like you had chosen the right moment to go and you find it easy to breathe and the legs are working like a machine. I find it easier to jog alone. I don't want to talk or even listen to music. I want to empty my head of any disturbing thoughts. I just want to let go and let my head fly above the clouds and move my body. After jogging I feel so balanced, like the connection to every muscle of my body from head to feet are reloaded.
I did first the physical work and after a run I made an extra round by walking. I wanted to have a better look around in the park. Just to stop whenever I wanted to make a stronger memory from this morning. This was a good recipe after a restless night.
I found it very poetic this morning in Vondelpark. I just had my phone with me to take photos, but I captured these moments as well as I could. The reflections by the water were like paintings. The sky was blue and there was enough of sun, which made all the shadows and colours stronger. After getting rid of the physical stress by running, my mind was clearer and I was focused to see the details around me.
Doing sport can help to see the bigger picture and then you are not just stuck to the circles of your daily thoughts. New ideas and taking actions need sometimes some fire, a kick to go further. For me the best mental boost often is doing some sport. A healthy mind in a healthy body is the ultimate goal.
Even I if I don't need company when I'm jogging, I really don't like to be totally alone at the park. It's motivating to see other people doing their own rounds with their own phase. There are also groups doing sport outside or people with personal trainer doing exercise. Every person has their own motivation to move or be fit, but whatever the motivation is, you will always get more than you think. Just keeping the amount of sport reasonable and listening your own needs.
Living in Amsterdam is full of funky contrasts. After my nature part, coming out from the gate of the park, I faced the urban and sometimes ugly reality. But there is lot of beauty behind the rough looking facade. I have the feeling that everything is changing all the time and I am part of it. Like a living painting, reflecting and shining differently in every day.