Tuesday, 10 November 2015

A water can

I have had difficulties to remember to give water to my flowers & plants at the balcony and terrace. Because the warm days are over and I don't go there so often anymore...I just forget. I have to be more nice to my plants! I popped into a great shop called "de Balkonie" today near Mercatoplein (de Baarsjes, Amsterdam). A very nice small shop for the city-gardeners: nice green plants, small furniture for the balconies, pots, books, home decoration and many useful things for your garden and other outdoor spaces. I bought finally a bigger water can for my balcony and these two glass cubes to decorate my home.

You can put any sort of decoration inside these. I will do some experimenting later on. I started with my Aloe and with few stones from the river of my old hometown in Germany. 

I was so focused on looking around at the shop that I forgot to take a few pictures from there. I have one not so clear photo, but I post it here anyway.

I will go back to get one of those purple/red airplants that are located on the table in this pic. They look good inside the glass cube. These plants get their water from the air. Sounds suitable for me and the Dutch rainy winter! The air is so moist in this weather.