Thursday, 26 November 2015

The focus point

The one thing is sure: the sun goes down in the evening and it will be back in the morning, sometimes hidden, but still giving a bit of light. When the sun is gone in the evenings, looks like this absence is pointing out the darkness, saying to us it's time to rest. What will happen during this process between the sunrise and sunset or other way partly a question mark. Even if we plan things, there is always a risk that things don't work as we planned or as we hoped. The challenge is how you face or handle the situations. 

Last night, before I went to sleep I saw the full moon shining and lighting up the roof terrace. I had to check if I had left the lights on, because it looked so bright. The terrace seemed to be like a theatre, waiting for the actor's of the night to come and play the drama. And it's true, you don't even most of the time need any actors. The drama of life itself is sometimes keeping you awake or you are processing what happened during the day in your dreams.

I have slowly learned to give some time for myself, my feelings and  reactions on things. I have learned which things give me the strength and energy and most of all: don't let your energy be stolen. The person who spends the whole 24 hours a day with you and your thoughts You know who you are better than anyone else.

We are different and it makes everything more interesting, challenging, unexpected and rich. 

To be able to live and see the different looking sky every day. I often first have a look how the sky is in the mornings before doing anything else. This sort of small ritual can give the feeling of strength and  a sense that you are connected to to the place, time and yourself. A peaceful start for a new day. 

What we see, how we see, what we want to see and which are the things we don't want to see. Eyes open, eyes closed...we choose the direction and the focus point.